What Causes Carpal Tunnel?

carpal tunnel treatment Long Island

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a medical condition that affects the nerves in the wrist. It occurs when these tendons become inflamed and swell, resulting in compression of the median nerve. This can cause pain and weakness in the hand and fingers. If you feel you are experiencing symptoms of carpal tunnel, contact Hand In Hand Occupational Therapy Of LI for carpal tunnel treatment Long Island today!

In most cases, carpal tunnel is caused by repetitive motions that involve extended use of the hands or wrists. Other potential causes include pregnancy, diabetes, and arthritis. There is no cure for carpal tunnel syndrome, but treatments like splints or surgery can help ease the symptoms. If you are experiencing pain in your wrist or hand, it’s important to see a doctor right away to get a proper diagnosis and discuss treatment options.


Carpal tunnel symptoms can be reduced by taking frequent breaks to rest your hands and wrists, practicing proper posture while working or doing other activities, and wearing splints to support the wrist. If you have diabetes or arthritis, it’s also important to manage these conditions as closely as possible.

Carpal tunnel treatment Long Island may involve surgery or non-surgical methods, such as splints and pain management. Surgical options include cutting the transverse ligament to relieve pressure on the median nerve and removing a portion of the bony roof in your wrist to allow more space for nerves. Other non-invasive treatments include physical therapy and steroid injections.

Get Treatment Today:

There is no cure for carpal tunnel syndrome, but with carpal tunnel treatment Long Island, most people can manage their symptoms and continue with their daily activities. If you are experiencing pain or weakness in your hands and wrists, it’s important to speak with your doctor about a diagnosis and the best course of action for treating your condition. Call Hand In Hand Occupational Therapy Of LI today!